Worm Castings 25lbs.
BAG SIZE: 25lbs.
Detroit Nutrient Company worm castings set the standard for quality in vermicompost.
Our worms are fed a fixed diet, and left to create a high-quality casting that is excellent for use in soil building, top dresses, amending and making inoculation and compost A.A.C.T.
Indoors for use with bottle nutrients, a handful of castings in every planting hole increases plant vigor and health as well as adding to yield.
In compost teas these castings are an excellent addition.
Outdoors, these worm castings are a natural repellent for some hard-bodied aphids and will attract deeper-burrowing night crawlers, adding life and aeration to your plant's environment.
Worm castings are considered to be the safest amendment because they cannot burn your plants and should be part of every grow.
See below for compost tea recipes -- all recipes call for 5 gallons of water
Compost Tea: Vegetative Plants
- 2 cups DNC Worm Castings
- 2 Tablespoons Organic Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
Bubble for 24 hours
Compost Tea: Outdoor Plants
- 1 cup DNC Worm Castings
- 5 T Stump Tea Sweetener
- 5 T Stump Tea Original
- 1/2 Kelp Meal
- 1/2 cup Fish Meal
- 1/2 cup Alfalfa Meal
- 2/3 Peruvian Sea Bird Guano
- 2/3 cup Bat Guano
Bubble for 72 hours
Compost Tea: Flowering Plants
- 1 cup DNC Wormcastings
- 5 Tablespoons Organic Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
- 1/2 cup alfalfa meal
- 2/3 cup Peruvian sea bird guano
- 2/3 cup bat guano
Bubble for 72 hours